Lomo gets into the Leica M lens business
Sold as add on manual lenses for both digital and film cameras, it cost US$350. For those who wishes to use this, you will need to have an M mount camera or get an M mount adapter for your Nikon or Canon camera. These cost in the ball park of US$100 each.
Now we all know that Rangefinders, even the digital ones from Leica, do not have AF capability. The Minitar is Zone focus. So you get three choices of distance choices.
The Minitar is also a 32mm lens, with a f/2.8 aperture. It should be relatively easy to use but don't expect razor sharp results with wide open apertures. The lens is a fun lens and from the looks of the sample photos, has pretty decent vignetting.
For now, the lens is only on pre-order. Head down to the Lomo website to book now.